Monday, February 7, 2022

Benefits of Early Treatment

Together with the American Association of Orthodontists, Dr. Dan Kelly recommends that your child’s first check-up with Kelly Orthodontics be performed no later than age 7. By age 7, your child has enough permanent teeth for Dr. Kelly to evaluate the developing teeth and the jaws to spot potential problems.

There are generally three outcomes from this first check-up:

  1. No treatment is expected to be necessary. 
  2. Treatment may be needed in the future, so your child will be monitored by Dr. Kelly periodically while the face and jaws continue to grow. 
  3. There is a problem that lends itself to early treatment.

While there are many orthodontic problems that Dr. Kelly agrees are best treated after all permanent teeth have come in, early treatment can be in your child’s best interests. The goal of early treatment is to intercept developing problems, eliminate the cause, guide the growth of facial and jaw bones, and provide adequate space for incoming permanent teeth.

Orthodontic Issues that Dr. Kelly May Recommend Treating Early Include:

  • Crossbites – Usually the result of a narrow upper jaw or abnormally wide lower jaw. A narrow upper jaw will often force a child to move their lower jaw forward or to the side when closing into a stable bite. When closed into this accommodating position, the lower teeth are located outside the upper teeth.
  • Crowding - Crowding of the teeth is one of the most common orthodontic problems. Crowded teeth typically stem from a discrepancy between space in the jaw and the size of the teeth. Crowding can be the cause of, or the result of other problems such as impacted teeth, retained primary teeth, or teeth that do not naturally fall out.
  • Spacing - Spaces between teeth is another common problem associated with the need for orthodontic care. Like crowding, spacing may be related to a tooth-to-jaw size disharmony. Tooth size discrepancies, such as smaller teeth or abnormally shaped teeth, can also create abnormal spaces between the teeth.
  • Openbite - An anterior open-bite is the lack of vertical overlap of the front teeth and can usually be traced to jaw disharmony or habits such as thumb sucking or the thrusting of the tongue against the front teeth.

Early orthodontic treatment can take many forms. But…regardless of how treatment goals are reached, the bottom line is that some orthodontic problems may be easier to correct if they are found and treated early. Waiting until all the permanent teeth have come in, or until facial growth is complete, may make correction of some problems more difficult.

To give your child the best opportunity for a healthy, beautiful smile, visit Kelly Orthodontics. No referral needed! Dr. Kelly will provide an initial consultation at no cost and with no obligation. He will alert you to potential problems and recommend treatment when it is most appropriate for your child.

For additional information, visit our website. Then, give our St. Charles office a call to schedule your child’s initial consultation.


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